Have you ever read the list of ingredients on the side of a tube of standard commercial toothpaste? It reads like a chemical cocktail and when some of the ingredients have more than 10 letters and are unpronounceable common sense tells me that it’s not wise to be putting these substances into our mouths. Not long ago, my sister commented that my teeth were looking really white and she wanted to know what I had been doing to achieve this result. All I could think of was that I have switched to making and using my own homemade toothpaste in recent times which I think has had a positive effect not only on the colour, but also on the general health, of my teeth. I have tried a few different recipes and every now and then I make a different one just for a change but the recipe that follows is the one I generally use. I have adapted this recipe from the Wellness Mama website. She calls it a remineralising toothpaste and you can read about how the natural ingredients bring minerals to the surface of the teeth. See https://wellnessmama.com/2500/remineralizing-toothpaste/




  • 5 parts Calcium Carbonate
  • 1 part Celtic Sea Salt
  • 2 parts Bi-carbonate Soda
  • 3-5 parts Coconut Oil
  • 10 drops essential oil eg, Peppermint
  • Optional: a pinch of green leaf stevia powder (or to suit!) if you prefer a sweeter toothpaste!


  • Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl
  • Add essential oil and enough coconut oil to achieve the desired consistency. (The oil may need to be gently heated if you are making the toothpaste in winter.)
  • Spoon into a container (preferably glass) with a sealed lid.


  • I keep a teaspoon beside the jar to scoop out the toothpaste.
  • Due to the coconut oil , the consistency of the toothpaste will change ie: harden and soften as the temperature changes.
  • If it does harden, it melts as soon as it enters the mouth.
  • I leave the toothpaste jar on the bathroom bench and have had no problems whatsoever with it “going off”!




Follow recipe above but add in:

  • 1 part charcoal
  • Adjust the amount of  coconut oil to achieve the desired consistency.

*Charcoal is a highly absorbent substance which has the ability to remove stains and pull toxins from the mouth. It also helps to naturally whiten teeth. If you are concerned about the charcoal being abrasive on the surface of the teeth you can swill the mixture around in your mouth for several minutes to achieve the same effect as brushing. Alternately brush a few times a week with charcoal toothpaste rather than daily. Always consult your dentist if you have any concerns!


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