Potatoes often get a bad wrap largely because of the way they are prepared (fried and salted or mashed with butter and served with gravy etc) but the humble potato contains decent amounts of many nutrients. For example many people may not know that a medium sized potato with its skin on contains nearly half your daily quota of Vitamin C. This recipe features potatoes combined with several other vegetables and wrapped in a wholemeal pastry to make a nutritious main or side dish. You can also make an alternative version using sweet potatoes as the base vegetable.


MAKES : Approx 10 Samosas


  • 3 potatoes
  • 4 cups loosely packed silverbeet
  • 1 onion
  • 1/2 capsicum (diced)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 dspn turmeric
  • 2 tspns cumin
  • 2 tspns coriander
  • 2 tspns onion flakes
  • salt to suit
  • 1/2 quantity Cashew Cheese see Cashew Sauce
  • Double quantity wholemeal pastry see Spelt Oat Crackers


  1. Cube potatoes (I ususally leave the skin on)
  2. Steam potatoes until 3/4’s cooked
  3. Dice onion and capsicum, chop spinach, meausure out spices and place altogether in a bowl
  4. When potatoes are almost cooked pour over the top of the bowl containing the above vegetables to soften them
  5. Stir through the cashew cheese and mix well
  6. Roll out pastry until quite thin
  7. Cut circle shapes (the size of a small saucer- or whatever size suits)
  8. Place a couple of tablespoonfuls on one side of the circle, carefully lift pastry over to form a semi circle and pinch the edges to seal.
  9. Place on lightly oiled tray and bake for approximately 30-40 minutes until lightly browned


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