This recipe features blueberries,  well known for their high anti-oxidant levels. A number of years ago I  remember my dad coming home from a visit to his GP and stating that the doctor  recommended that he should eat 1/2 cup of blueberries a day. The doctor had just been to a  recent medical conference where he learned about the nutritional value of blueberries    I was pleasantly surprised at the time to hear a mainstream doctor prescribing fruit for one of his patients. This recipe was adapted from a random cookbook I borrowed from the local library called Hungry, Healthy, Happy by Danni Martin.   This recipe could be served for breakfast or as a regular dessert with a dollop of cashew cream.

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This slice is packed full of good things! such as……avocado which contains the beneficial mono-saturated fats, chia seeds and walnuts in the base for some added omega-3 power, a goodly dose of fresh mint leaves which contain antioxidants helpful in the area of digestion, carob which is naturally sweet and high in vitamins and minerals such as calcium,  not to mention coconut and cashews which I somehow wanted to squeeze into the title but then it would have been ridiculously long! Hope you enjoy this all raw, nutrient-dense slice!

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Pumpkin is such a versatile vegetable (technically a fruit), capable of being used in soups, main dishes, dips, smoothies and even desserts. You don’t have to spend a fortune to buy superfood products from exotic locations at the Health shop when you can pick up a pumpkin quite cheaply all year round at your local markets or grocery store. Pumpkins are high in fibre, low in calories and contain good amounts of potassium, magnesium, Vitamin C and E. However, pumpkins are particularly noted for their high levels of carotenoids (that’s the red, yellow and orange compounds found in many plant foods) that are thought to be protective against a range of diseases especially cancer and eye disease. And I haven’t mentioned the benefits of pumpkin seeds. That will have to wait for another recipe…..

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These little treats contain no added sweetener of any kind and so are suitable for someone on an anti-fungal or anti-candida diet. The carob powder is naturally sweet but probably not sweet enough to  satisfy the average “sweet tooth” who would need to add at least 1 TB of sweetener ( maple syrup, agave etc.) to the recipe.

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I love the flavour of citrus!  However, the orange zest in this recipe provides more than just flavour. Everyone knows of the immune boosting power of oranges but you may not have considered the value of the orange peel. It is rich in flavonoids (antioxidant compounds that help fight many chronic diseases) and is higher in many nutrients, such as Vitamin C, when compared to the flesh of the orange.

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