Tomatoes are rich in many nutrients including the antioxidant lycopene which is linked with a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. Lots of recipes for tomato relish typically include lots of sugar and/or vinegar. This is my healthy version using fresh beetroot to add natural sweetness to the mixture.

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I have adapted this recipe from the one found in  Kaye Sehm’s  “Back to Eden” cookbook. I replaced 1 cup of zucchini in the original recipe with 1 cup of kale. Kale has deservedly earned the title of superfood containing such nutrients as beta-carotene, calcium, folate, iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, C and K  in larger quantities than many other vegetables  As a result, I try to add Kale into as many  recipes as possible.

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This tofu slice is the vegan version of a traditional egg quiche. It is tasty and easy to make especially as it is crustless! Tofu is protein rich and a very good source of iron and calcium. To obtain maximum health benefits make sure the tofu label says made from non-GMO (genetically modified) soy beans and preferably organic ones!

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This frittata is a good way to include some more broccoli in your diet. All the cruciferous vegetables contain cancer-fighting properties but broccoli , in particular, seems to offer the most protection. It contains compounds that stop cancer cells from dividing and are able to kill abnormal cells. If you’re  not convinced of the health benefits of broccoli you can use any seasonal vegetables that you might have growing in the garden or want to use up out of your fridge.

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I love the flavour of citrus!  However, the orange zest in this recipe provides more than just flavour. Everyone knows of the immune boosting power of oranges but you may not have considered the value of the orange peel. It is rich in flavonoids (antioxidant compounds that help fight many chronic diseases) and is higher in many nutrients, such as Vitamin C, when compared to the flesh of the orange.

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